Friday, March 14, 2008


Hello and thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I receive a lot of my inspiration from the thought provoking music I listen to. The remainder of my inspiration comes from being unsatisfied with the status quo.

I believe that every human being on this planet has the ability to turn things around and make a difference. Too often, too many people find it too easy to go with the flow, blend in, and allow their lives to be manipulated and controlled by people who are stronger than them. Well, I don't live my life that way.

Some or all of the content within my blog may be rather offensive to some people. Please keep in mind that the ideas expressed in my blog are nothing more than opinions. Like all opinions that are expressed, some people will agree with them, others will not. It doesn't necessarily mean that my opinions are correct. Feel free to comment on anything I write about. The only thing i ask is that you to keep the discussion civil and the insults and derogatory comments to a minimum. I learn a lot from the exposure to other peoples opinions and welcome any ideas you'd like to express.

- Corey Thompson